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Over Healthcare - Pharmacy | Telephone: 01954 233457 |
Practice Closure for staff training Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Flu vaccines 2024 Surgery closure Wed 18th July, 2-6pm Clinical Pharmacist Did Not Attend appointment data for April Easter Opening times for Surgery & Pharmacy Wednesday 27th March – Afternoon Surgery closure Please give us feedback Be Prepared
At Over surgery we are trying to get as many patients using online facilities as possible. This will help patients that should be shielding at the moment.
We wanted to give you information about the two online access options we offer.
The NHS APP (not the Track & Trace APP this is coming soon)
We would encourage you to download the NHS APP and register using your smartphone or tablet,
The APP you can:
Get advice about Coronavirus
Order repeat prescriptions
Book appointments
Check symptoms
View your medical record (basic information like allergies past/current medication)
Register your organ donation decision
Find out how the NHS uses your data
Systemone online – This can be used if you don’t have a smartphone or tablet You will need to call Over Surgery to set up the log in details using an email address and a generated password.
Systemone online offers:
Cancel and Book appointments
Ordering repeat precsiptions
Here is a link to the website page for all the information.